Benefits of Single Hung Windows in your Home

October 5, 2018



Benefits of Single Hung Windows in your Home - Clera Windows + Doors

A single hung window is a window design that features a bottom panel, known as a sash, that moves up and down vertically and an upper panel that remains stationary. When the window is open, the bottom panel covers the upper panel and is one of the most basic window type available on the market. Because of this, wingle hung windows have become a popular choice for homeowners due to its simplicity and relative affordability. They are also considered the standard window option for new homes, renovations, and retrofits. This type of window is also energy efficient, making it a great economical choice.

If you’re in the market to replace the windows in your home, you will likely be asked if you prefer double hung or single hung windows. Before you decide, this blog will detail advantages of single hung windows and help you determine if they would work best for you.

Simplicity and Affordability

The simplicity of a single hung window means it has fewer moving parts. Single hung windows do not require hardware on the upper sash since it will remain stationary throughout its lifetime. That means the only mechanism needed is the one that moves the bottom sash up and down. Due to its simplicity, you will often find that the cost of a single hung window will usually be anywhere from 10 to 25 percent less expensive than a double hung window. If you are replacing all the windows in your home, these cost savings certainly stack up.


All types of windows are made to withstand decades of use. The installation of single hung windows should serve you for many years because there are less moving parts. Even if there are repairs or part replacements needed along the way, they will usually be localized in the bottom sash. With proper use and care, there should be no reason why the new windows should not last you for decades to come.

Energy Efficiency

Single hung windows manufactured today are usually made with double pane glass. This means that the transference of heat and cold between the exterior and home interior should be minimized. With less air filtration through your window, less is wasted on heating and cooling costs all year long. This protection also helps to prevent moisture from getting into your home, which should decrease the risk of mold development, mildew, wood rot, or water damage.

Because single hung windows feature only one moving sash, there are also fewer areas where window materials can begin to deteriorate and allow drafts to develop. The combination of these factors means that it will take less energy to heat or cool your home depending on the season so that you can save quite a bit of money on your bills.


Single hung windows only open in one direction, meaning there are fewer areas where the window locking system can fail. With only one lock, you will be less likely to forget to lock and close your windows for the day or even for the season.

Saves Space

Single hung windows work great for installation into smaller rooms, such as bathrooms or guest rooms as well as areas with high traffic, such as hallways and entryways because they do not open outward. Single hung windows are optimal for use in tight spaces while allowing sunlight and cross breezes to enter a room without having to sacrifice square footage.

Aesthetic and Versatility

Although single hung windows are simple with only one moving sash, they are anything but ordinary! They come in a wide variety of designs and homeowners have many options when it comes to style, shape, trim, and glass options.

The installation of single hung windows on the second floor of bedrooms or bathrooms are the most ideal since heat tends to rise in a home. The tilt option for optimal ventilation is a great way for hot air to escape and keep your home cool, while also preventing freezing air from blowing throughout your home. Not only will you have the comfort of great ventilation, you will also get ideal air quality without the annoyance of wind blowing through your space.

Ease of Cleanliness

Single hung windows from Clera Windows and Doors feature an easy tilt-in feature that moves the panels inward, providing homeowners with ease when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Because the sashes can be easily tilted, the outside pane of the window can be easily accessed from the inside. For homeowners or business owners who would like to save costs on professional window cleaning services, this is a great option to take care of the job themselves while avoiding the dangers of ladder climbing. This feature transforms what was once a regular expense into a task that can be completed alongside your regular home maintenance routine.

Ease of Installation

The simplicity of a single hung window means that installation is usually straightforward and takes less time than a double hung window installation, meaning our team of professionals that come in to do the installation will be in and out of your home in less time. This also means that any potential issues that arise in the future will be diagnosed and located easier so that your window can get back to functioning properly again.

These are only a few of the benefits associated with single hung windows. If you want to learn more, contact a Clera Windows and Doors to arrange for an onsite visit. We will examine the condition of your current windows and examine the options you have with single hung windows. Once you understand what they will do for you and your home, choosing the right replacement window couldn’t be simpler.

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