What Are Cellular PVC Door Frames and What Does it Really Mean?

January 15, 2018



Cellular PVC Door Frames - Clera Windows + Doors

Just when you thought that was all there was to know about replacement doors, when you’ve finally narrowed it down to your top choice that best suits your home from many different styles, colours, and textures out there.

That’s when you’re window and door specialist who’s has been assisting you throughout the process asks you if you’d like to consider adding a cellular door frame.

Replacement doors is not the average home improvement job most homeowners will encounter because good quality doors should last years before they need to be replaced.

However, when the time does come around, it can seem like a daunting task if you don’t have all the information you need to make all the right choices. To help you make a more informed decision about whether or not you should replace your traditional door frame system with a cellular PVC trim or frame, here are the relevant facts you should consider:Cellular PVC is a wood replacement product made of PVC, a synthetic thermoplastic material made by polymerizing vinyl chloride.

It is molded into forms while in a different state than normal PVC, which is what makes it possible to be cut and shaped much like wood. So, essentially you are able to achieve the natural look of wood without all disadvantages that often comes with wood over time such as being susceptible to water or moisture damage, cracking, and warping out of shape.

Making it an ideal choice to high traffic areas that could be exposed to harsh climates like the front door entryway to a home. In terms of its ability to fit uniquely designed homes and door sizes, cellular PVC can be cut, milled, shaped and routed just like wood with normal woodworking tools. Because of the process used to make cellular PVC, milled edges are smooth. It is natural white throughout, and while it never needs painting, it’s easy to paint both on site and in factory. Cellular PVC is extremely durable and has long-lasting qualities.

It resists the damaging effects of wood-boring insects, inclimate weather conditions, freeze/thaw cycles and high humidity. Although cellular PVC frames reap the aesthetic appeal of wood frames, it doesn’t come with the disadvantages that often occur with real wood meaning, it will not rot, split, twist or warp in shape. And, because it is impervious to moisture, cellular PVC is particularly suited for contact with concrete, brick and stucco, and in applications where the trim is in contact with the ground.

Overtime, the wood on the outside of your home starts to show natural wear and tear mostly due to weather conditions and will need to be maintained and repainted every couple years.

Replacing wood with new wood only means you’ll have to repeat these maintenance tasks again in due time. Trim boards, panels, and door frames made of cellular PVC is the new alternative for wood and will continue to look and function like new for many years after. Taking this information into consideration, it’s pretty safe to say that cellular PVC frames has all of the advantages of wood with none of the drawbacks! Let’s face it, a replacement door is not a cheap project however, it is one that reaps the most long-term value for your home.

Nonetheless, getting a cellular PVC door trim installed with your brand new door would be a wise choice for protecting your investment. It an innovative new alternative to traditional wood door frames that is maintenance and rot free. Get connected with a specialist at Clera Windows and Doors and get more information for your home.

We’ll be happy to give you more insight on whether or not your current door frame system will be compatible with you brand new replacement door for many years to come. As a family run company since 1978, you can be assured that we understand and appreciate the importance of any home renovation project to your family.

We’re in the business of providing comfort and security for households across Canada, and we couldn’t be more grateful for all the homes and families that have entrusted us with such an important decision to improve their home’s functionality and security.

All of our fenestration installation technicians are rated by the Canadian Standards Association and our products are all ENERGYSTAR rated as well, so you know our work can be trusted.

We've also taken home the “Top Choice Award” and are so confident in our craftsmanship that we include a written, lifetime factory warranty on our products. What this means for you is that you won't have to buy another pesky replacement part again. Contact Clera Window and Doors today to find a specialist in your area and to book a free consultation.

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